What is Oralmat Drops
An introduction of Oralmat Drops
A natural therapeutic phenomenon, which for more than 20 years has been available on the international market, on the internet since 2005. Oralmat Drops (blue label), the strongest formula ever developed in a series of four improvements over the last 15 years, was introduced to the public in 2014. The formula is a patented extract from sprouted rye that is harvested when it is at its most nutritious, using a bio-dynamically cultivation method that works by fertilizing with materials from ground-up animal horns (antlers) rich in vitamins, minerals and traces that give optimum nutrition to the earth and create particularly good growing conditions.
Multiple nutritious substances
The results are raw materials, particularly rich in water soluble beta glucans 1.3/1.6 -, a scientifically proven biological defense modifier that nutritionally potentiates and enhance the immune response. Co-active ingredients are co-enzyme Q10, phyto- ostrogens, genistein, daidzein, matairesinol, phyto sterols and sterolins, as well as trace elements of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and fatty acids. The therapeutic effect of these compounds is well documented. (Search the Internet)
Oralmat Drops sum up many years of studies on sprouted rye drops that have a clinically documented capability of summoning up both local and systematic immune defense response.
The synergy effect is a natural phenomenon typical of plants, where the sum of the compounds combined deliver a far more powerful effect than the effect of each individual compound.
The synergy effect from Oralmat Drops initiates valuable processes in the immune defense system, which normalize the bodily functions, increases energy levels and improves the quality of life. Some editorials are presented here in interviews of patients and doctors who have gone public to share their experiences with others.
Drops of sprouted rye have a healing effect with no side effects that addresses the source of the problem, not just the symptoms. When the problem is fixed, the symptoms are gone too.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
No claim is made that this information is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.